مقاله انگلیسی رایگان در مورد مدیریت فرآیند مهندسی معکوس – الزویر ۲۰۱۸

مقاله انگلیسی رایگان در مورد مدیریت فرآیند مهندسی معکوس – الزویر ۲۰۱۸


مشخصات مقاله
ترجمه عنوان مقاله مدیریت فرآیند مهندسی معکوس در صنعت پلاستیک
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله Management of the reverse engineering process in the plastics industry
انتشار  مقاله سال ۲۰۱۸
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مقاله پژوهشی (Research Article)
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۰ در سال ۲۰۱۵
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شناسه ISSN ۱۸۷۷-۰۴۲۸
رشته های مرتبط  مهندسی صنایع، مدیریت
گرایش های مرتبط  تکنولوژی صنعتی، مدیریت صنعتی
نوع ارائه مقاله
ژورنال و کنفرانس
مجله / کنفرانس  رویه – علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری_Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences
دانشگاه  Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Piata Victoriei 2, Timisoara 300006, Romania
کلمات کلیدی  مهندسی معکوس، مدیریت، طراحی به کمک کامپیوتر (CAD)، دستگاه اسکن سه بعدی
کلمات کلیدی انگلیسی reverse engineering; management; CAD; 3D scanning device
شناسه دیجیتال – doi
کد محصول  E12160
وضعیت ترجمه مقاله  ترجمه آماده این مقاله موجود نمیباشد. میتوانید از طریق دکمه پایین سفارش دهید.
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فهرست مطالب مقاله:

۱٫ Introduction

۲٫ RE – equipment, software applications and technologies

۳٫ Study of an RE process example

۴٫ RE process selection

۵٫ Conclusion



بخشی از متن مقاله:

The management of the Reverse Engineering (RE) process for polymeric parts is a relatively complicated one. Composition on this market segment is tough due to the fact that approximately 85% of the machinery and equipment industry has migrated from the steel parts industry to the plastics industry over the last 30 years. This is why not only old mechanical parts and assemblies are subject to the RE process, but also new parts / products that competition is trying to reproduce. Therefore, the goal is to achieve the RE process of superior quality at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time (if possible in a fully automated system). The RE process management involves selecting the hardware, selecting the RE software, and adopting the proper technique for obtaining surfaces (or solids, as the case may be). All these steps depend on the quality of the product to be achieved and the speed at which the results are obtained. The paper presents a concrete case of RE, solved by a certain process, but also other possible variants, as well as their impact on the quality of the final product (precision / price / effort).


For the plastics industry the mold is the most important tool in the manufacturing process. Molds are produced in two different circumstances: (i) when a new product is being put into production, and (ii) when replacing an old, used die. In this first case it is assumed that there is a well-documented technical documentation, with all the data necessary for the integration of a new product in the manufacturing, and the need for reverse engineering is reduced or even null (Marguta, 2015). . In the second case, where replacing a used old mold is required, the situation is more complex. On the whole, there may be all the necessary documentation, but small corrections of the active elements are required, or the technical documentation of the re-fabrication of the mold does not exist at all. In the latter cases, the need for reverse engineering is crucial for a company that wants to produce parts as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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